Vintage Garden Party Inspiration

We love collaborating with talented wedding vendors from all across the country! Today, we are sharing a bit of vintage garden wedding inspiration from Winter Park, Florida captured by Life in Motion Photo and Film. The soft, draped sleeves on HB6285 compliment the garden setting so beautifully and the deco beading on OY2000 gives the look a perfect, vintage-inspired finish. Thank you so much again to the Golden Pineapple Event Company and the rest of this amazing team:

Coordination and Design| The Golden Pineapple Event Company  
Photographer| Life in Motion Photo and Film  
Venue| Federation of Garden Clubs  
Models| Alixandra and Adrian
Bridal gown| Saja Wedding
 Hair and Makeup| Lauren Danforth  
Florist| Orange Blossoms Florals
Table Settings/Rentals| Orlando Wedding and Party Rentals
Desserts| Se7en Bites  
Signage| Ink Letter Love
Gift Box Design| Eighteen Feathers
Paper Goods| Bella Figura via The Windmill Paper Boutique



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