Tascha & Joey

There is such an amazing energy from Tascha & Joey's wedding. We felt it from the first time we met this beautiful bride and are so happy to see it reflected all throughout her wedding at Indian Ladder Farms. We love the way she paired classic HB6565 with vintage-inspired pearls and lace, as well as her flower crown. These photos were taken by Tascha & Joey's friend Garrett Bean, and his girlfriend Yang. We are so thankful to be able to share these amazing shots!
Saja: How did you meet?

Joey and I met at a mutual friend's band's concert at a local venue when I was on break from college in Boston, just about to head back for my last semester. I saw him from across the room and I knew at that moment that we were going to end up together somehow. He bought me a drink and I was so nervous that after a brief conversation I ran back to my friend and left for the night. About a year later, after graduation and moving back home, we met again - at another of our mutual friend's band's concerts. This time, I was brave enough to ask him to dance with me (even though, to this day, he swears he can't dance, and only does so because of me,) and we've been together ever since. 
Saja: How did Joey propose to you?

I had gotten really sick, and he rushed me to the E.R. in the middle of the night when I was having trouble breathing. He stayed by my side all night and day, until he left under the guise of getting me some things from home to make me more comfortable. When he came back, it was with a bouquet of flowers, my sweatpants, and his shirt that I like to borrow to sleep in. He got up into the hospital bed with me, and after a long speech that had us both in tears, he gave me the ring that his father had given to his mother, and I said yes! I was definitely looking and feeling my least sexy up until that point, hooked up to IVs and monitors, but he made me feel like the most beautiful girl on earth, and I knew that he took 'In sickness and in health' seriously, haha!

Saja: Where did the wedding take place? What made you choose there?

We got married at Indian Ladder Farms in Altamont, NY - which is an apple orchard about an hour from where we live in Lake George, NY. We both had our hearts set on an outdoor venue, but wanted to be able to create our own day and not be tied to using a specific caterer, be in and out in the span of 5 hours, or have to rent bathroom trailers (You would be surprised - some places don't even have running water!) I managed to find out about ILF through a random wedding forum, and quickly dragged Joey down there for some apple picking and to scope the place out. We both fell in love with the view, and all the staff there was so amazing and helpful. And, it worked into our budget so that we were able to splurge on amazing food and drinks. The staff there baked our wedding cupcakes [spice cake with fresh spiced buttercream!] and tons of cider donuts - and the venue was so beautiful that we barely had to do any decorating! We plan to come back every year for apple picking, and to visit the spot where we tied the knot! :)

Saja: Which of the photos is your favorite? Why?

I love the first kiss shot! I'm so glad that they were able to capture it at the perfect moment, and the view of the mountains in the distance is incredible. And I love the pictures they shot as we were walking through the orchard together :)
Saja: What was your favorite part of the day?

The look on his face when I saw him for the first time walking down the aisle. I really thought I was going to be able to hold it together, but I cried through the whole thing, and so did he! I really enjoyed that after the ceremony we were able to spend a few quiet moments alone walking through the orchard together while our photographer friend snapped away in the distance, just to let everything soak in before we went back to celebrate with our families. I know people say that things don't really change after you get married - but I think they did. There's something so amazing about looking to the person next to you and knowing that they've chosen to share their forever with you. 

Saja: Is there anything about the photos we might not have noticed?

We were actually lucky enough to have two photographers - our mutual friend Garrett and his girlfriend, Yang - who took time off from film school to shoot our wedding. It's been so interesting to see both perspectives of our wedding, especially since I felt like the day went by so quickly! Seeing the pictures helps recapture all those moments that are so precious to us both.
The food was cooked on site by Chef David Britton and Pies on Wheels and it was AMAZING. He surprised us by adding an absolutely delicious paella that had people raving.

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