Chelsey & Luke

It's so amazing to work with brides like Chelsey- who share our vision and trust us enough to style a wedding a whole country away. She looks absolutely stunning. After working with a bride so closely (yet virtually,) we love to see her big day in VN6609 unfold so beautifully! The ceremony took place in the Cascade Gardens of the Banff Administration Building followed by the reception at The Bison restaurant in Banff, Alberta Canada. These amazing photos by John Evely Photography were taken against the picturesque backdrops of Mount Rundle and the Bow River at Banff Fairmont Springs.

A word from the bride: "How many girls can say their dress made it doubling on a cruiser bike and an air guitar jump!? I should tell you, I never even got to try on a dress or see them in person but I saw your dresses online and they were so different and more beautiful than any of the other gaudy dresses that populate the wedding dress industry… I knew it would work instinctively!"

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